The AHS Index is a new way to look at data that illuminates a snapshot of our world today. It is intended to highlight health inequities and spark conversation, debate, outrage, and wonder.

Number of turkeys spotted on the AHS Fairmont Rehabilitation and Wellness campus on Thursday, Nov. 5, 2023: 6*

Percent of Americans who say they would prefer to eat an alternative to turkey this year: 65

Number of people in Alameda County who identify as American Indian or Alaska Native: 20,327

Number of Indigenous recipes in the free online cookbook “Recipes From Turtle Island,” which local Kickapoo chef Crystal Wahpepah recommends to folks who would like to prepare a Native American dish in honor of the original inhabitants of our community: 14

Radio station where you can listen to a live broadcast of the Indigenous People’s Thanksgiving Sunrise Gathering on Alcatraz Island this Thanksgiving Day from 5 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.: 94.1

Percent of Americans who couldn’t afford a holiday meal in 2022: 20

Number of meals delivered by Alameda County’s Recipe4Health program in 2022: 8 million

Decrease in depression that health care practitioners reported after keeping a gratitude diary for two weeks: 16%

Reduction in the biomarkers of inflammation among patients with congestive heart failure associated with practicing gratitude: 7%

*Source: Public Affairs and Community Engagement, Alameda Health System